
Sculpture Garden Is Indeed Priceless

* Re “This Garden’s Value Is Priceless,” Orange County Perspective, April 8:

Your editorial indicated the possibility of new owners, Commonwealth Partners LLC, not being willing to agree to save in perpetuity Isamu Noguchi’s outdoor sculpture garden on Park Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Noguchi gained worldwide recognition through his sculptures, gardens and stage decors. I suggest the developers become familiar with his work, especially the gardens he designed, which include the UNESCO gardens in Paris, New York’s Chase Manhattan Bank Plaza and the Billy Rose Sculpture Garden of Jerusalem’s Israel Museum.

Isn’t highest and best use a criterion for land development? Is it possible that a 1.6-acre Naguchi garden could give way to another commercial venture?

Hurrah that The Times editorial title was “This Garden’s Value Is Priceless.”


Laguna Beach
