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  1. hard14U

    hard14U Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2005
    yes: hunting one time also when I was a teenager — (stripped complete naked in the woods & enjoyed nature).
    • next to my sleeping older sister on vacation.
    • in a college friend’s bathroom huffing her wet panties.
    • in my car of course.
    • on many girlfriends, in many different places.
    • got a hand job on my church bus on a ski trip — (also teenage years).
    • in the lake, skinny dipping one-on-one.

    I’ll have to think ...
  2. inmyhand

    inmyhand My Goddesses Toy

    Apr 10, 2014
    i have at work behind machine while woman was lookout and watching me
  3. slippryshaft

    slippryshaft Sex Machine Banned!

    Jan 9, 2019
    I used to live in a townhouse community. I would occasionally go out very late at night, take my pants off and walk around the neighborhood, stopping at various locations along the way and jack off, hoping someone would see me.
  4. thebxg352425

    thebxg352425 Porn Star

    Apr 21, 2018
    Office bathroom
  5. TheBlueDog

    TheBlueDog Porn Star

    Aug 2, 2019
    In friends' showers (fun)
    On friends' bedroom floor (two different friends)
    In friend's (female) bed, while house sitting (sweet)
    In a friends' den (twice - during two different parties)
    On a bus
    On a boat
    On a train
    In a tent
    In a car
    In the bathroom at work (it sucked)
    In a planetarium (just...weird)
    In my office (meh)
    In the Dean's office (still feel bad about that)
    In the college library
    In the woods
    In a field
    In the dorm shower
    In the gym shower
    On a bridge
    On a dam
    On a balcony (great)
    On a roof
    On the beach (nice)
    In mother-in-laws apartment
    In father-in-law's house
    • Like Like x 2
  6. formerlyRC

    formerlyRC Porn Star

    Jul 6, 2019
    Have I answered this ?

    At work, in the car, in a forest to name a couple
    • Like Like x 1
  7. OneAtATime

    OneAtATime Porn Star

    Jul 19, 2007
    In my car, in the shed, in the garage, In the bathtub at a friends house. Walking down a lightly traveled road when a teen. In my grandmothers house with her in a differnt bed in the same room, looong time ago. In my bed with my wife asleep next to me. Many a motel room. On the back patio. Fingered my wife to orgasm while I was driving. At a friends house while he watched.
  8. Boca1

    Boca1 Sex Machine

    May 27, 2014
    From the day I learned the power and joy of masturbation, I played a game with myself. Every new place I visit (residential) I find a time and hidden spot, then christen the new location. I do not recall, when I stopped keeping track..
    • Like Like x 1
  9. bad2bone

    bad2bone Porno Junky

    Jan 20, 2014
    In the kitchen. I then spread it on a hot dog bun and covered it with mayonaise. She likes mayo/mustard on her wiener buns! Lol

    She was upstairs while I made lunch for us. It was kind of a passive/aggressive thing. We had been arguing and I was pretty upset with her.

    Plus, she would never swallow during the rare times I got a BJ from her.

    So, I watched her eat the wiener with the specially blended deluxe mayonaise on it.

    She seemed to like it because she asked for seconds. Of course regular mayonaise was used for that second serving since she was watching me make that one.

    Turns out she likes my cum after all - lol

    Okay, I know I going to get a lot of flack from some of you on this post.

    If this makes you mad, then I will be nice and offer to make you a free lunch! ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. peelover83

    peelover83 Porn Star

    Aug 12, 2019
    A lot of places but mostly while driving and when I can on parkinglots by the freeway where couples have sex, just go and stand close and jerk off watching them
  11. geyguy

    geyguy Sex Lover

    Sep 9, 2012
    Too numerous to mention.
  12. Will88

    Will88 Porn Star

    Mar 22, 2018
    Where I have not masturbated maybe easier to answer.
  13. EdgingUncut

    EdgingUncut Sex Machine

    Aug 21, 2019
    In the forest.
    On a backroad in my car.
    Bathroom at work at least on two different jobs.
    Friends house
    A ship
  14. Lycrathong

    Lycrathong Sex Machine

    Aug 21, 2019
    Apart from obvious ones like hotel rooms and outdoors - the most unusual was when I was on a train with my boyfriend. We were sitting beside each other with a newspaper spread across our laps, and masturbating each other under it.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. cindy22m

    cindy22m Amateur

    Mar 8, 2012
    In your case where have you not masturbated
    1. TheBlueDog
      Oh, plenty of places, I am sure. I've never done it on/in: a plane, a classroom, a piano, a picnic table, a swimming pool, a hot tub, parents' bed, mother-in-law's bed, friend's car, stairwell, truck, garage...though I know people who have.
      TheBlueDog, Sep 10, 2019
  16. Cum4anyone

    Cum4anyone Sex Machine

    Jul 26, 2017
    Work, in my vehicle, on a plane (in my seat), at friends houses, but the best is anywhere outside. Public or not.