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  1. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    so instead of being real and just saying it wasn't working out, you fucked with my head and my feelings, for months. I'm not even gonna get into why the way you were towards me was just plain retarded, but believe me, it was.

    and honestly, look at all the bullshit you've said about me lately, you were trying to put all the blame on me.

    and I have not been angry at people at any point in my life, you did not see me everyday, being friendly to everybody I encounter until they do something to change that. you completely forgot everything you ever knew about me and started believing the bullshit other people said about me because you didn't see me everyday in person, and you've been using a million cop outs for what you did, saying I was this, that and the other, when you should know better

    not to mention all the bullshit you and your dude are talkin on me constantly, or how you try and say he's better than me and constantly put me down and put him up on a pedestal. listen cafrefully....I DO NOT CARE

    I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just saying how it is
  2. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    no, i didn't believe anything they said, because nothing was being said. you keep thinking that everyone was talking about you behind your back. they weren't. i started thinking differently about you when you started acting different towards me, and talking shit about me.

    seriously, i've never gone through this with anyone in my life. we could've just broken up, stayed friends, obviously as just friends, but instead you decided to tell the forum i must need help (because YOU forgot everything about me, my friends, and my life) and started bashing my boyfriend. you could've stayed out of it, instead of hounding me, claiming i was making a mistake when you knew nothing about it or him, or us. you seriously turned our friendship into a trainwreck because you thought we were talking shit about you. i wasn't, i was reading about how you thought i needed attention and help, and i defended myself, and honestly, that right there made me hate you. then you started claiming that supermurk was all these other users, and caused so much drama. i didn't do anything like that to you. everything i've said to you has been on the defense.

    and i don't put him up on a pedestal. i'm with him, and very happy. didn't say he was better than you, you always took me defending your words as me comparing you. if you say "he's a bad father" of course i'm going to defend him. thats not comparing you, thats saying, you're wrong. or if you tell me "shut up, he hasnt been through the shit i've been through," of course i'm going to once again defend that. you always took it as me comparing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2008
  3. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Lisa, you're wrong

    quit being delusional, and just admit that you did some fucked up shit to me, and let it go. quit using bullshit cop outs, and be an adult and admit what you did wrong, and let it go

    sorry, but I never came at him until he started shit and ran his mouth towards me enough that he got on my radar, and you talking shit on me and putting him on a pedestal did not help things
  4. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    Jesus fucking christ!

    I think the General Discussion forum needs to be amended and renamed:

    Generally we discuss bella & baller, occasionally other topics arise, but they eventually end up being hijacked by bella and baller anyway..so yeah..Forum

  5. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    oh my god, no i did not like you in person. that's it!
  6. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    so then leave it at that and stop using cop outs, cus I haven't done that once
  7. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    um, this thread was started to argue, i havent taken it anywhere else, and things were about to end. people were not interjecting, and trust me, i do not enjoy this. but i will defend myself, sorry, it's who i am. i have every right to stick up for myself.

    tell everyone on the forum to stop interjecting then. tell them to stop starting these threads, that obviously cause drama, and it wouldn't happen. but yeah, i defended murk, and then he came at me, so i came right back.
  8. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Lisa, shut up already. stop having to add little jabs in, cus I'm not doing that, and admit that you didn't have to argue, just like I did

    god damn
  9. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    here's an idea lisa

    lose the lil I heart Matt thing, he loses the I heart lisa thing

    that way baller won't be infuriated every time he sees either of you post. i'm not taking sides, trust me, but can you blame the guy? you met him here and you left him here now you're with a guy that you met, guess where?

    next, put him on ignore, don't talk to each other. dont talk about you and murk here. keep private shit private.

    baller. grow some fucking hair on your balls and be a man. chin up for fuck's sake. you literally reak of the my heart has been broken now i'm bitter and jealous smell. you talk about how mature you are then act it. say fuck bella and move on. put her on ignore. go out and interact with other girls in the REAL world. get another girl friend. stop interfering with her. whatever road she chose, she chose to walk on her own. stop trying to be Mr We're Through But I Still Care. you look weak.

    Murk. put baller on ignore. dont talk to him. dont talk about you and bella on the forum. keep all your private shit private. he is never gonna like you. DUUUUUUUUH!


    Other people are trying to enjoy this motherfucking site sans YOU 3 STOOGES :mad:


  10. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    i got an idea! how bout the dumbasses on this forum stop starting threads that are called "battle threads" because people apparently cant read.
  11. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    I don't care about whatever they do seriously, and none of that stuff bothers me

    so long as they both leave me alone(which he did not do), and keep their mouths shut about me, I'm peachy

    oh, and I have been :) I'm not trying to interfere, I might reek of the broken heart thing but that's not how it is, I just don't go around talking about shit from real life all the time

    seriously, I don't want them having to be all private cus of me, it's no big deal, it really isn't. just keep your mouths shut about me and leave me alone is all
  12. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    This message is hidden because baller16 is on your ignore list.

    This message is hidden because Incubus is on your ignore list.

    there. the arguing is over.
  13. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    pathetic excuse. so if i start a 'eat your turd' thread, you gonna have shit stew for dinner? this attention whoring, woe unto me, love triangle, pity party has gone on long enough. do you 3 know that practically your whole entire lives are public knowledge? on a porn site none the less?

    here's a sock...*not_secure_link*www.trusnow.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/bur08_w_spt_dts_sock_grn.jpgput it in it!
  14. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    This message is hidden because Incubus is on your ignore list.
  15. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    fine, if i need to be there for this crap to stop so be it.
  16. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    This message is hidden because Old Tool is on your ignore list :eek:
  17. Rockprincess

    Rockprincess Celestial Princess

    Oct 29, 2006
    You'll never be on my ignore list!!!:D
    You're funny, thanks for the laugh!!!
  18. billblondel344

    billblondel344 Porn Star

    Apr 29, 2007

    crybaby baller. HAVE A NICE BROKEN HEART DAY.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  19. billblondel344

    billblondel344 Porn Star

    Apr 29, 2007

    WHAT ABOUT POOR 17 yr OLD ZAK??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  20. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    as for you. get a fucking life you jerk.

    why do you even come to this site? who are you? better yet... who cares? you are a wart on the ass of life. pop yourself. and stop trying to make up for your insecurities and short comings by insulting others.

    all you do is go around insulting people and tryna be a wise ass. if its not bella its zyzx or some other person. contribute something useful or stfu and lurk